Woodlands Tai Chi


TAI CHI is often described as "meditation in motion,"
but it might well be called "medication in motion."
This mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art,
has value in treating or preventing many health problems.
And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health.

The Basics



Have faith, patience, and persistence during taijiquan and be in a good mood while you practice.
Relax. Imagine you are weightless, just like a feather floating in the air. Imagine you are swimming in the air, the air is a fluid too.
Avoid any nervous or muscular tension.
Empty your mind. Let no distracting thought occupy your mind.
Concentrate. Focus your attention on what you are doing.
Guide your body movements with a calm and peaceful mind


Suspend your head straight as if someone is pulling your ears up slightly but no tension must be in your neck.
Keep your spine straight and keep it in a central equilibrium position. This will help you to raise your spirit.
Both arms are free. Drop your shoulders, sink your elbow naturally, loosen your chest and raise your upper back.
Keep your solar plexus area always relaxed, soft and loose. Never protrude your buttocks. Keep the coccyx in at all times.
Loosen your shoulder joints, waist and hip or carriage joints when you practice.
Keep your knees so they seem loose( soft knees). Although they really are not
Keep your wrist naturally open and alert all the time. Keep your feet firmly on the floor. A balance must be kept at all times. There must be no tension at all on any of the toes.
Keep your wrist naturally straight. Have the middle finger straight and on the same line as the center of the palm and the center of the wrist. Keep your hand and forearm lined up loose and straight, not tense. Extend and hollow the palm, keep your fingers extended without touching. Keep it natural, slightly curved shape.
– Based on the teaching and writings of Master George Ling Hu


Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth – a long, continuous breath without a pause between the inhale and exhale.
Breath to and from the belly.